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Thank You

for Supporting RFM!

A Ride for Everyone.

Ride for Missions is a great event for cyclists of all ages and skill levels. Anyone who enjoys riding a bike is welcome to participate and raise support for global missions. For 2021, there are two options that you can choose from: join the main RFM group, August 1-5, or create your own route that works best for you, your family, and friends. Which ride is right for you?

Join the Group.

This year’s main ride will begin in Middlebury, Indiana, on August 1, and then head north to Paw Paw, Michigan—a small town known for its beautiful lake, rivers, and parks. Over the next three days, participants will explore routes along Lake Michigan and around the city of Kalamazoo—returning to Paw Paw each night. On the final day of the Ride, August 5, participants will return to Goshen in time for Multiply Conference 2021.

Create Your Own Ride.

If you would like to support Rosedale International’s workers but don’t feel comfortable in a large group setting, you’re welcome to plan a ride wherever you are. On one or more days during the week of the Ride, you can map out a favorite route in your community or another location and create a ride perfect for you and your friends.

Meaningful Miles.

In a time of so much turmoil around the world, RI’s work of taking Jesus’s love to the ends of the earth is more important than ever. By joining the RFM community you are partnering with RI and helping to transform hearts and minds around the world. Whether you choose to participate as a rider, a volunteer, or a donor, we’re so blessed by your support.

Ride for Missions started as an annual summer fundraiser in 2006. Over the past 15 years, the ride has gained momentum and participation, raising over $1.39 million. The riders, volunteers, and supporting funds have been vital to the work of Rosedale International, and helped us prepare, train, and send workers to locations around the world.




Riders & Volunteers


Raised for Missions

5-Day Ride:  Approximately 65-80 miles per day (longer route options will be available each day).

Arrival – July 31:  Riders and support team members should arrive on Saturday evening, July 31st, at the Das Dutchman Essenhaus  (240 US-20, Middlebury, IN 46540) for a welcome meeting and introductions.

Finish – August 5:  The ride will end at Clinton Christian School (61763 Co Rd 35, Goshen, IN 46528).

Lodging:  Lodging is arranged through the registration process and paid for by the riders before the event. Room are $80 per night ($400 total). Please indicate if you would like to share a room when you register. Click here to pay for your lodging.

Meals:  Breakfast, lunch, snacks and drinks are provided during the ride. All other meals are covered by the riders.

Click here to Register

    Rider Details

    Additional Participants:

    Please list the name and age of any family members who plan to ride with you. Riders from a different address should register separately.

    Risk and Responsibility

    I acknowledge that participation in Ride for Missions is a potentially dangerous activity. By participating, I am agreeing and guaranteeing that:

    • I am medically able to do so.

    • I will wear a helmet, obey the rules of the road, and follow all state and local guidelines.

    • I understand that COVID-19 is circulating in the US, and will not hold Rosedale International liable should I contract the virus as a result of my participation in Ride for Missions.

    • I will abide by all state and local guidelines regarding COVID-19 and personal distancing.

    • I will not hold Rosedale International liable for any injury or illness to my person or property resulting from my participation in Ride for Missions.

    • I will assume responsibility for all risks associated with participation in Ride for Missions and exercise my own judgment in evaluating those conditions.

    By submitting this form, I, my heirs, and anyone acting on my behalf, discharge and release Rosedale International from all claims and legal actions for damages or monetary awards arising out of my participation in Ride for Missions.

    I agree to these Terms and Conditions.

    Support RFM

    Sponsor a specific rider or give a general gift to Ride for Missions.

    Support can also be mailed to: Rosedale International 2120 E 5th Ave Columbus OH 43219

    Gift Amount $:
    Name of rider to sponsor (or level of corporate sponsorship):

    Processed by PayPal.

    Download information on becoming a RFM Corporate Sponsor. Your gift can be either a tax deductible contribution or an advertising expense.

    Download forms to help you record and keep track of your personal sponsorships and pledges.

    Rosedale International is a Section 501 (c)(3) organization. Gifts to Rosedale International are deductible as charitable contributions for federal and state income tax purposes. With the accountability provided by CMC and our board of directors, we seek to honor God with these gifts and use them with efficiency and wisdom.

    Routes are subject to change as the ride approaches. Please check back closer to the event for final maps and GPS directions.

    Preparation & Equipment Guide

    Though it is our desire to include everyone who wants to participate in Ride for Missions, there are some things to consider before signing up.

    • To enjoy the experience you should have ridden at least 150 miles the month prior to the ride. (Exercise bikes help but are not a substitute for the road.)
    • Your training should include at least one 75-mile day at an average minimum speed of 10 to 12 mph or better. At 12 mph it takes 8.5 hours in the saddle to reach 100 miles, with a total ride time of approximately 10 hours with breaks.

    Bring the bike you are used to riding (the one you trained on). However, consider the following:

    • Road and hybrid-style bicycles are preferred over mountain bikes, because of tire size and effort required to operate.
    • Be sure your equipment is in top mechanical condition prior to the ride.

    Here are the other things you want to bring:

    • A bike you are used to riding (Road and hybrid-style bicycles are preferred over mountain bikes, because of tire size and effort required to operate.)
    • A parent (if you are under the age of 16)
    • Helmet (required)
    • Front and rear bike lights (required)
    • Cycling clothes, shorts/bibs, gloves, and shoes (strongly suggested)
    • Everyday clothes and toiletries (will be carried in the support vehicle to the hotel)
    • Bike mirror (suggested)
    • Water bottles (2)
    • Spare tubes (2)
    • Tire changing tools, patches, and pump (make sure the pump fits your tire valves)
    • Small cycling tool kit that fits your bike
    • Sunglasses and sunscreen
    • Rain gear
    • Windbreaker
    • Bike lock
    • Trained legs

    New Rider Information

    For those of you worried about…

    • Arriving last/not being fast: Don’t worry, Ride for Missions is NOT a race. We all look out for each other, and you will find a group of people that you can ride with. You will not be dropped and left to fend for yourself at any time. And remember, you have all day, just ride from one stop to the next.
    • Completing the whole daily route: Relax, covering 60-100 miles each day may feel like a lot, but there is nothing wrong with taking a break and riding with one of the SAG (Support and Gear) vehicles if you need it.

    Maps and directions

    • Handouts will be available for those who need a paper map and/or cue sheets to follow. GPS directions will also be available.
    • The route will be marked on the roads each day: There will be arrows before each turn and at each turn, and confirmation marks after each turn and every so often on long stretches without turns.
    • If you get lost, call the RFM Coordinator or one of the SAG crew (phone numbers will be available at the ride kickoff).

    Starts and stops

    • Start time is when you want to start. We suggest leaving by 8 am on the first day, but it is your decision. We do not have a group start time.
    • A morning break is usually arranged at approximately the 30 mile mark. This break includes snacks and water.
    • There is an additional water station somewhere in between the hotel and morning break station. If you are in an early or late group, it may not be there. If you need food or water, stop and buy what you need.
    • The lunch station is usually half way from the start, or further depending on the length of the route for the day. The lunch location will be clearly marked and will typically be in a park slightly off the route. The SAG crews feed us very well, so don’t worry about food at lunch.
    • On long days there may also be an afternoon break, with a water station somewhere along the road.
    • Plan your day so that you arrive at the hotel no later than 5 pm (3 pm is better). If you arrive by 5 pm you will have time to shower, get a quick supper and be ready for the evening meeting, which we try to start at 7 pm. The earlier you arrive at the hotel the more relaxed your evening will be. However, if you arrive before 2 pm, the hotel may not have the rooms available yet.
    • Each evening there is a meeting, and all riders are required to attend. If you cannot attend the evening meeting, please let someone know. This meeting includes information for the next day’s ride and this is where you get maps and cue sheets for the next day. It also includes a worship service; usually a little singing and a short meditation from the ride pastor, and sometimes one of the riders speak. The meeting starts at 7 pm (on the 100-mile “century” day we might start a little later).

    Stuff you need to know

    • Each rider is responsible for lodging costs
    • Riders are responsible for their own supper; there are usually a variety of restaurants to choose from in the area of the hotel. If not, a shuttle to nearby restaurants will be provided.
    • Breakfast will be included with the hotel costs.
    • Breaks and lunch are provided by the SAG crew at no cost to the riders. If you need or want special foods during the ride, you are responsible for those.
    • There is a supper planned for all riders on Thursday evening at 5:30; family members in the area are also invited to attend.
    • For those of you needing housing on Thursday night (after the ride concludes), contact the lodging committee at the CMC conference meetings at or make your own arrangements.

    What to Expect

    A typical day for me on RFM

    By Merlin Miller

    I try to be in the breakfast room by 7 am and eat whatever looks good at the time. I don’t like eating syrupy things before a ride but some people do.

    My typical day is unlike some other riders’ because I usually don’t know who I am going to ride with until about the time to leave the hotel. While some riders ride with the same people every day, I like to ride with as many different people as possible during the 5 days, but that is just what I like.

    Once I figure out who I am riding with, I make sure my bike is in order, check my tire pressure (there are always lots of pumps around to use, but if you like yours then you can bring it), and check my brakes (don’t forget to fill your water bottles). A small lap around the hotel is a good way to check your bike.

    On the road, the morning water stop is always a welcome sight and is a good place to fill water bottles if needed. Not everyone stops at these but I usually do. Lunch is also a welcome sight (in case you haven’t figured it out yet, food is an important part of these 5 days). There is always lots of food at lunch – sandwiches (build yourself), fruit, cookies, chips, etc. Lunch for me is a social and resting time. I often take at least an hour at lunch to eat, talk, and if a nap is calling my name, take a nap (on 100 mile days I don’t linger quite as long).

    Back on the road, if an ice cream shop or a coffee shop show themselves towards the end of the day you will probably find me hanging out there if I have time (if I could find a coffee shop where they also sell ice cream, I think I would be in heaven!). I will also stop at the afternoon break if there is one. I try to get to the hotel around 3 to 4 pm, find some chocolate milk to drink, and shower before I start looking for a restaurant.

    The evening meal is the most complicated of the day. What am I hungry for? What restaurants are available? Who am I eating with? These are all very important questions that need answers and the sooner the better! Once I figure all that out, I am usually very hungry, so if you are eating with me don’t dilly-dally around, I want to eat! LOL!

    After supper, I go back to the hotel and make sure the plans for the evening meeting are in place (where are we meeting and are the worship leader and speaker ready?).

    After the meeting, I play a few games, hang out in the common room, and am in bed before midnight.

    That is my typical day, but if you ask other riders, their day may look a bit different.