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102 Ways To Talk With God Together And Alone

What if prayer were as natural as talking with a good friend?

What if it were as engaging as a sumptuous dinner in an exotic setting?

Prayer isn’t always natural or engaging. There’s a reason one of Jesus’ apprentices requested, “Lord, teach us to pray.” In this book you will find a wealth of ideas. Some of them may be just what you need to take you to the next level in a vibrant connection with your Creator.

It’s time to “think outside the box” of our traditional way of praying. Now is a great time to explore the possibilities of what prayer could become... I believe the best is yet to come in your prayer life and IGNITE will show you how to get there.

Daniel Henderson, president, Strategic Renewal International

Ignite is an invaluable resource for anyone working in ministry. It’s simple to use, yet it breathes something fresh and deep into your prayer life, no matter what age, personality, or shoe size you are.

Courtney Shenk, Youth Ministry Leader

Here is a book worth grabbing hold of! Exciting and filled with practical suggestions. As you connect with the Divine through the creative prayer prompts, you will sense his presence and your prayer life will be deepened

Irma Chon, Children’s Prayer Leader


Janice I. Showalter finds joy in igniting a love of learning in the English Language Learners she teaches at her neighborhood elementary school. She also enjoys designing ways for groups of all ages to have meaningful and memorable experiences together. Janice and her husband Joe live in Columbus, Ohio, and are the parents of three adult children. Janice has found prayer, while not always easy, to be a refuge as well as an adventure. A growth area in her adventure has been that of learning to recognize God’s voice. Her prayer for this book is that it will help people of all ages to more and more experience prayer as a rich feast.

Phyllis Miller Swartz has spent thirty years teaching middle schoolers, high I.Q. students, parents, college students, and inmates. She makes it a priority to maintain relationships with former students. Phyllis coordinated Rosedale Bible College’s Choral Camp for its first nine years. She resides in London, Ohio, with Steve, her husband of forty-two years. They have two children and eight grandchildren. For many years, Phyllis prayed in ways that did not fit her personality. Finally she realized that God wanted to talk with her – with the personality formed from the mind and experiences he gave her. She hopes this book helps guide others into a prayer life that is reflective of their own personalities.