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Giving 2023

Help introduce the world to Jesus this Christmas.

Rosedale International (RI) and Rosedale Business Group (RBG) are focused on taking the transformative love of Jesus to the ends of the earth. We do so by concentrating on least-reached groups of people who have little or no access to this good news. 

The special projects featured here give you a chance to directly impact someone’s life in a tangible way. Each opportunity has been selected to connect you with workers and locations where we are currently serving or have planted churches in the past.

2023 Projects

$8 Per Kit  |  $15 Textbooks  |  Global  |  $2,000 Goal


This Christmas, send the gift of learning to a child. In Thailand, your donation will bless the children of Pakistani refugees living in Bangkok by providing them with supplies, books, textbooks, flashcards, and materials for science experiments to aid their education. In Nicaragua and Spain, school kits will provide basic supplies for the year, such as pencils, pens, notebooks, rulers, erasers, and pencil sharpeners.

Video about the kit project in Nicaragua

 $12 Per Tree  |  Nicaragua  |  Open Goal


Help to plant a sustainable gift that keeps giving. The fruit trees we plant in Nicaragua serve as a consistent source of nutrition and help to fulfill one of the communities’ basic needs. As the trees develop, their harvest can also provide an additional source of income for the community. Your donation will gift a tree that can bear fruit (literally and figuratively) for years to come.

Video about the tree project from a local television station

 $12 Per Bible  |  Global  |  Open Goal


This Christmas, give the gift of God’s word. Bibles are a need everywhere, and are the source of the Gospel that we proudly share and proclaim. Help to share the good news of Jesus by purchasing Bibles for those who may have never had one before.

 $50 Per Person  |  Ethiopia  |  Open Goal 


Encourage new believers from Muslim backgrounds by helping them go through baptism preparation classes. The course helps them gain a deeper understanding of what baptism means, what living life with Jesus looks like, and ensures they are committed to their faith. It’s a great way to celebrate to work that the Lord has been doing in their lives!

 $60 Per Student  |  Asia  |  $2,000 Goal


Help supply a newly built primary school in Asia with desks, chairs, notebooks, pencils, crayons, colored pencils, and scissors. The school is owned and operated by believers who wish to bless children and families through education and a living example of Christ’s love. Your gift will help get the school ready for operation and welcoming to the first year students and teachers.

 $ Any Amount  |  Asia  |  $1,100 Goal


One of the best ways to grow connections within a community is to celebrate together! Your donations will help fund birthday parties, Christmas and New Year’s festivities, as well as other community-focused events where RI serves in Asia. These events help to create and grow deep relationships and open the doors to sharing the Gospel.

 $ Any Amount  |  West Africa  |  $7,200 Goal


We are raising support for a young church plant in Guinea Conakry to send new believers to a French-speaking Bible School in Cote d’Ivoire. This three-year school, Institut Biblique Bethel de Korhogo, not only teaches men but also provides teaching and training for their wives and children. Upon graduation, couples are sent out two-by-two to plant churches among the unreached Muslim people group of the region. 99% of this people group have never heard of Jesus, and the training these families receive will have a huge impact in the Gospel breaking through to this area of the world.

For $1,200, the local church can send and fund one student for a whole year of study. Through this project, we hope to raise $7,200 and provide two students with a full three-year scholarship.


Send a Check

Rosedale International
PO Box 360854
Columbus OH 43236

Designate “RBG Christmas Giving” in the memo line.

Also include a short note describing the projects you would like to support.

RBG Values

Partnership with the local church and culture to engage the marketplace

Business practices that reflect and honor biblical principles

Keeping individuals and projects accountable

Disciple making kingdom building and church planting

Coaching, mentoring, and walking alongside Christian businesspersons