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City Challenge

Are you looking for a new experience for your youth group?

City Challenge is a five-day inner-city experience for you and your group to go deeper – focusing on ministry opportunities, creative sessions, and engaging in service projects.

The week offers a time to get away from home and have one-on-one encounters with God in a new setting. It will also give them an experience that will help unlock their potential to connect with each other and their creator, while stretching them and allowing them to see how they can return home to impact their friends, schools, families, and community.

What’s it like?

Creative Teaching Sessions

Each week features a variety of creative sessions, which may involve teaching, drama, videos, worship, and ministry time. They are designed to help youth learn to love God and each other better, and to address areas of their lives that may be hindering them from that goal.

Ministry Opportunities

Our staff will lead your group in a variety of ministry experiences like outreach to the homeless, servant evangelism, kids’ clubs, immigrant outreaches, and prayer walks. Youth are often excited to learn that they can step out of their comfort zones and many return home with a new vision for evangelistic outreach and Christ-centered service.

Service Projects

Groups also participate in service through work projects at the RIC and within the Columbus community. Your labor at the RIC makes a big impact and is invaluable in Rosedale International’s effort to reach the nations for Jesus Christ, helping us provide a facility where people can be discipled and trained to share Jesus with the world. Service projects done in the community bless the inner-city ministries we partner with.

I learned that God is almighty! Don’t take this for granted. Don’t always stay in a little bubble.

AW — Central Ministries

Don’t be scared to talk to someone new/Don’t underestimate the power of prayer.

AR — Fairlawn Mennonite

God shows up most sometimes in the little things and the ways you least expect.

KC — Fairlawn Mennonite

I learned that God desires us strongly and that his love for us does not become conditional when we do something wrong or sin.

IY — Fairlawn Mennonite

That prayer doesn’t have to be perfect!

MG — Hickory Ridge

Don’t judge someone without knowing their story.

CH — Hickory Ridge

A simple conversation can make someone’s day.


I learned that prayer takes bravery and it will change your life.

KG — North Street

2025 Dates & Registration

Early registration is November 1st through December 1st, and is reserved for groups that have never attended City Challenge or have not participated in 10 years.

2025 Dates:

June 9-13
June 16-20
June 23-27
July 7-11
July 14-18

Cost: $400 per person*

*A $50/person scholarship is available to all churches that are from the Rosedale Network of Churches.

A non-refundable $250 deposit is due at the time of booking.

To allow new churches to participate in City Challenge, youth groups will be on a 2-year rotation.