I recently became a grandparent, and my family gathered for a five-generation picture to celebrate that moment. When I look at that picture, I rejoice that faith and belief in salvation have been passed down for four generations—from my grandfather to my daughter—and I know my daughter will teach her son.
I am excited to watch my grandson grow and become who God made him to be. As Paul reminds us, we “are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10). When I think about my family, I know this is true. Each member is unique and brings something special to the picture—the leader, the host, the organizer, the comic relief. My family has times of joy, sorrow, ease, and hardship, and in each season, we rely on our different gifts to help us through.
This is no less true in the family of believers. At Rosedale International (RI), our staff, short-term workers, long-term workers, churches, and individual donors all work in unique ways, playing to their strengths to help RI pass down faith and belief in salvation—to take “Jesus to the world.” We need each part to see this reality come to life, and we rely on each family member to do their part.
A small but deeply important part of RI’s family are Touchstone Givers, a group of donors who pledge $2,500 or more annually to RI’s general fund.
A significant portion of RI’s budget is supplied by churches, short-term programs, and the individual supporters of long-term workers. Our costs are greater than this income, and Touchstone helps to close the gap. Through the general fund, Touchstone donations support the youth hostels in Southeast Asia, subsidize the REACH program, and maintain the Rosedale International Center (RIC)—vital avenues to the next generation.
RI is so thankful for each of you who has given through Touchstone over the years. Thank you for using your gift of generosity to help us take “Jesus to the world”—for being the family member who fills the gap. We will not fully understand the impact of your gift until our family is complete in heaven; there, we will meet our brothers and sisters who heard Christ’s words and felt his love through your generosity.
Whether you are a yearly or first-time giver, I invite you to once again prayerfully consider joining the family, filling the gap, and helping RI reach our budget for 2024. We look forward to your partnership, and are so grateful.

Director of Partner Development
Touchstone donors are a small group of partners who are dedicated to missions and feel called to support RI in a significant manner. Touchstone members give an annual minimum of $2,500 to RI—and on average, two to three times more. They are a foundational element of our general fund and operating budget.
This group has shrunk over the last few years, and our vision is to grow its membership up to 100. If you know someone with a heart for the unreached, please invite them to join this remarkable family.
Whether you are a first-time Touchstone giver or have been giving for years, we thank you so much. We would not be able to do what we do without you.
Send a Check
Rosedale International
PO Box 360854
Columbus OH 43236
Include “Touchstone” in the memo line.
Rosedale International is a Section 501(c)(3) organization. Gifts to Rosedale International are deductible as charitable contributions for federal and state income tax purposes. With the accountability provided by the Rosedale Network of Churches and our board of directors, we seek to honor God with these gifts and use them with efficiency and wisdom.