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Getting Started

Thank you for your interest in serving with RI

Rosedale International approaches missions from a multiplying movement method, where small groups of local believers form a body, and then multiply through sharing their hope in Christ with those in their sphere of influence. The model is simple and founded on principles of the early church in Acts. We focus on this method because it is reproducible and can be sustainable long-term with very little foreign influence or funding.

RI workers serve as catalysts, disciplers, and encouragers to the local church. Trusting the Holy Spirit to guide national believers to mature in their faith and share the gospel effectively in their cultural context.

Because of this approach, most of RI’s work is in “pioneer” locations – where the church has not yet taken root and the ground is often hard. RI’s workers labor to introduce people to Jesus through word and deed, trusting the Lord of the Harvest to bring about growth.

Types of Assignments


Workers within this category have a clear call and/or vision for long-term service in a certain area of the world that is least reached by the good news of Jesus. They typically have previous cross-cultural and/or ministry experience, and understand the dynamics of learning a new language and culture. Assignments are three or four years in length.


An exploratory assignment that allows the worker to spend one to two years in a cross-cultural setting, developing ministry skills while working under the guidance of a veteran worker. The goal of this assignment is to discern what a long-term commitment could look like. Interns undergo discipleship training and/or missions training prior to being appointed to an assignment.


An assignment to assist a long-term worker, most often with childcare. This short-term assignment is negotiated and designed by the assistant and the worker, in consultation with the HR director. Qualifications and expectations are worked out between the worker and the assistant.


An assignment that is within the sphere of RI’s strategic goals in which both RI and another mission agency share responsibilities related to the worker and their assignment. Often the worker has a relationship with RI, but either desires to serve in a location where RI does not currently have a team, or is pursuing a highly specialized ministry path (i.e. Bible translation, ministry to a particular people group, etc.).


An assignment that is initiated by a member of the Rosedale Network of Churches, but lies outside of RI’s strategic goals. In most cases, RI acts as the employer and the sending organization, but primary oversight and support is provided by the sending church in conjunction with a receiving organization.

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