Team Thailand
Avery, Noelle, and Emma
This team partners with RI’s long-term team in Bangkok to build relationships and disciple new believers. After time in language school, they will serve through prayer walks, teaching English, ministering to children and refugee families, and supporting the long-term team and their families.
Team Mediterranean
Madelyn and Annie
This team serves RI’s long-term team as childcare providers. Much of their time is spent in language school, where they work to build friendships with classmates and teachers. They also serve through teaching English, hospitality, prayer walks, and supporting the long-term team and their families.
Team Himalayas
Connor, Brian, and Elliot (team leader)
This team works alongside a local believer connected to RI. They trek to various communities to minister to local churches and believers, and serve through teaching English, preaching, and service projects.
Team Zambia
Rebecca, Melanie (team leader), and Olivia
For decades, Love’s Door has worked to bring holistic, empowering development to neglected neighborhoods in southern Zambia. Team Zambia lives in a rural village, serving alongside Love’s Door staff in their church planting movement, work with orphans, and discipleship of new believers.