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Thanksgiving has become synonymous with Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and other “money-spending” days. If you would like to break away from consumerism this season and help RI bring “Jesus to the World,” please consider one of our Giving Tuesday projects below.

Our goal for Giving Tuesday is $25,000:

  • $15,000 — to help a family of six reach their funding goals and depart for the Mediterranean Region in early 2024.
  • $10,000 — to accomplish some much-needed repairs and renovations around our training center and offices in Columbus, Ohio.

These are big goals, but the generosity of our network of churches and donors continually amazes us. Your support of these goals will make a huge impact as 2023 comes to a close, and we deeply appreciate your help in pushing these projects toward being fully funded!

Giving Tuesday is November 28th, but giving will remain open through the end of the year so you can give any time during the holiday season.


Send a Check

Rosedale International
PO Box 360854
Columbus OH 43236

Designate “Giving Tuesday” and the project you’d like to support in the memo line of your check.

Rosedale International is a Section 501(c)(3) organization. Gifts are deductible as charitable contributions for federal and state income tax purposes. With the accountability provided by the Rosedale Network of Churches and our board of directors, we seek to honor God with these gifts and use them with efficiency and wisdom.