The deadly attacks on Ukraine are causing unprecedented upheaval across the region. In response, the Rosedale Network of Churches and Rosedale International are coordinating relief funds to assist Ukrainian communities of faith.
Giving through RI
MB MULTIPLY: Funds given through RI (using the “give now” button below or by mail) will go directly to the Association of Mennonite Brethren Churches in Ukraine (AMBCU). The association includes 24 churches and 5 church plants. Along with churches of other denominations, they are actively working to equip bomb shelters, provide water, food, fuel, and medical supplies, and help others evacuate to safety.
Funds not used for relief will be available for general ministry support to the AMBCU.
Regular updates on the crisis and ways to pray are available at:
Other ways to support the people of Ukraine:
TOGETHER MINISTRIES is a missionary project in eastern Ukraine which aims to help the children, the disabled, and the elderly who are living on the front line. Assistance to these vulnerable populations is carried out through 230 missionaries and 31 volunteer centers located in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
Rosedale International has personal connection to this organization through a Rosedale Network Pastor and his wife’s family.
MCC: Donations to MCC will be used to scale up existing programs which support vulnerable people, and will extend these services to internally displaced populations.
Send a Check
Rosedale International
PO Box 360854
Columbus OH 43236
Include “Ukraine Relief” and the location you would like to give towards in the memo line.
Rosedale International is a Section 501(c)(3) organization. Gifts to Rosedale International are deductible as charitable contributions for federal and state income tax purposes. With the accountability provided by the Rosedale Network of Churches and our board of directors, we seek to honor God with all gifts and use them with efficiency and wisdom.