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Introducing Hannah: RI’s Newest Staff Member

By September 15, 2020September 25th, 2020No Comments

Rosedale International (RI) recently welcomed Hannah as the new Short-Term Programs Administrative Assistant. In 2019, Hannah served as the Administrative Intern at the Rosedale International Center, where she helped with a variety of administrative details and thoroughly enjoyed her work. During that time, a desire grew in her to work in a position where she could combine elements of administration with mentoring. With her new role at RI, she feels this desire can be fulfilled, and she is excited to be able to interact with incoming REACH participants and RI Interns.

Hannah grew up in Apple Creek, Ohio, as the third out of four siblings. She enjoys raising dogs, cycling, reading, and pretty much anything to do with water – except fishing!

Hannah, as a REACH alumnus, experienced the REACH program in 2017. For cross-cultural outreach, she traveled to Thailand. Her time in Thailand was both difficult and joy-filled as she grew to love the children with which she was teaching and interacting. She also enjoyed learning the culture and connecting with locals on a daily basis. Growing up in rural Ohio, she was always delighted to get out of the large urban city of Bangkok and experience village life and breathe the clean country air!

Her experiences during training and outreach molded and challenged her to grow in many ways – specifically in learning the value of friendships and being open and vulnerable with her teammates. She looks back on REACH as being a very rich time in her life where she deepened her understanding of who God is and how he sees her.

We are very thankful and excited to have Hannah join us in our work, and to see her grow in her giftings! Join us in praying for Hannah as she settles into a new place of living and working at the RIC.

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