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Introducing Katie: Hospitality Intern

By March 25, 2020April 15th, 2020No Comments

The 2020 interns are a group of seven REACH graduates who will spend the year deepening their relationship with God, serving at the RIC, and being discipled. RI is grateful for their hard work and is excited to see them grow this year. Due to COVID-19 and the cancellation of City Challenge, the interns will take a month-long break from their positions starting on April 20.

Katie is originally from Middleburg, Pennsylvania, and will serve as one of the two hospitality interns this year. As she assists in planning events, leading gatherings, and discipling youth for Short-Term Programs, she will also help keep the RIC clean and inviting for guests.

In Katie’s free time, she enjoys reading, hanging out with friends, and playing the piano (which she taught herself how to do a few years ago). She also enjoys painting as a way to relieve stress. On REACH Team Phoenix last year, Katie spent four days a week in a local school. She worked one-on-one with a student for the six months she was in Phoenix and was greatly blessed by her experience. “It was cool to see him go from never speaking to me at all to laughing and giggling and playing.”

As Katie’s life has sometimes felt hectic and out of her control in the months since REACH, she is learning to rely on God to take care of her. This lesson of trust is one that she wants to continue learning as she lives and serves at the RIC this year.

Please pray for continued strength and unity for Katie and the other interns as they continue to serve while adapting to changes in scheduling.

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