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August 9, 2019

Retirement as Missions

Names in this piece have been changed or omitted for security. When is the best time to go into overseas missions? Most of Rosedale International’s workers go on the field after finishing college or having a few…
July 9, 2019

New Name. Same Identity.

Rosedale Mennonite Missions is becoming Rosedale International. A new name, but that’s really all that’s changing. Once, the Conservative Amish Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, Rosedale Mennonite Missions has officially been the Conservative Mennonite Board of…
July 4, 2019

Stories of Hope

Following the call to share God’s word in another culture is difficult and many workers report times of fatigue and disconnection. But the hopeful message of God’s redemption is more powerful than any discouragement. Followers of Christ…
April 12, 2019

Updates from the Field

Times of confusion, trial, and frustration are often opportunities to see God’s faithfulness at work. RMM workers around the world share stories of what God is teaching them in the midst of (and through) their sometimes-chaotic lives,…
Latin America
February 8, 2019

Committed to the Cause

This article is part three in a series highlighting the recent work of the Latin American Mission Partnership (LAMP). Links to the other pieces are listed below: Part One – From Costa Rica to Thailand: Introducing Four New Workers…
Latin America
February 6, 2019

Pursuing Partnership

This article is part two in a series highlighting the recent work of the Latin American Mission Partnership (LAMP). Links to the other pieces are listed below: Part One – From Costa Rica to Thailand: Introducing Four New Workers…
December 13, 2018

Piercing the Darkness

Recently, The Pew Research Center conducted surveys among 24,599 adults (ages 18 and older) across 15 countries in Western Europe to assess the spiritual state of the region. Their report, “Being Christian in Western Europe” makes sobering…
November 21, 2018

Jesus Is

Along with teaching English, Amos works with a group of people to bring love and hope to victims of sexual exploitation in North Africa. In this piece Amos reflects on the darkness that inevitably comes with this…