Footage from Ride for Missions Florida 2024. If you'd like to join the summer ride, July 27-31, in Maryland and Delaware, learn more at:
"I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who…
Rosedale International in Columbus, OH, has an opening for an Administrative Assistant to the Short-Term Programs. This position supports Short-Term Programs personnel in a variety of administrative, clerical, and logistical roles. The ideal candidate should possess cross-cultural awareness…
Rosedale International has an opening for an RIC Director to oversee all facility maintenance, supervise the Food Services and Hospitality Coordinators, and develop a strategic plan for building use. The ideal candidate should have a basic understanding…
Do you enjoy serving and ministering through cooking, baking, and sharing food? Would you like to use your skills to support others as they are equipped to take Jesus to the world? Rosedale International in Columbus, OH,…
Rosedale International (RI) has an opening for Director of Short-Term Programs. This position provides leadership and creates strategic vision for all short-term programs; engages in recruitment; and builds a network of international and domestic partners to help…
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms... do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may…
Esta, RI worker to the Mediterranean, recently retired after 20 years of service. While in the Mediterranean, she wrote and directed dramas and trained believers in the art of theater. She also worked with a group of…
The REACHers have passed the halfway point of discipleship training school (DTS)! As they move towards the finish line, they share reflections from the first five weeks of their time at the RIC. Julianna, Team Albania The…
Rosedale International has an opening for a full- or part-time maintenance tech. This employee would oversee all facility maintenance and grounds care, ensuring that the facilities are well-cared for in order to support RI's programs, participants, and…
In February, as Russia invaded Ukraine, CMC and Rosedale International (RI) put out an urgent request for support of the Ukrainian Mennonite Brethren (MB) Conference. Together with Multiply, the mission organization of MB churches, CMC and RI…
Names have been changed or omitted for security. A "New" Addition to the Office In late 2021, we welcomed Brittany back into the Rosedale International (RI) office. Brittany previously served as the Administrative Assistant for Short-Term Programs…
This article is a collaboration between Madalyn, Media Coordinator and Art and Paula, workers in North America. Names have been changed for security. "And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all…
At Rosedale International, we've begun to consider how to encourage unconventional or local outreach. What steps can a person take if they are called to local missions? What about believers who want to take their career overseas,…