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A “New” Addition to the Office

In late 2021, we welcomed Brittany back into the Rosedale International (RI) office. Brittany previously served as the Administrative Assistant for Short-Term Programs before taking her leave from RI in 2020. Now she has returned as the Executive Assistant, working closely with Joe, RI President, and Mike, Director of Partner Development. She also assists with logistical and Mission Leadership Team tasks. RI is fortunate to once again benefit from Brittany’s organizational gifts, reliability, and initiative. Welcome back, Brittany!

Honoring 2021 Milestones

Rosedale International would like to honor our office staff and workers on the field with the recognition of milestones achieved in their service of reaching the unreached in 2021.

Jerry, Vice President of Finance and Associate Director of the Mission Leadership Team; and Myron, Associate Director of Human Resources, both celebrated five years with the organization.

Dawn, Member Care Provider for RI workers in the Mediterranean, reached ten years of service with RI. In addition to her current role, Dawn has been involved in several ministry opportunities in various locations around the world, alongside her husband Jon.

On the field, several cross-cultural workers have all achieved five years of service with RI.

Jacob, Karly, and Angie serve in partnership with Grace Church in Millersburg, OH. They have established 58:12 United, a faith-based non-profit organization in Pattaya, Thailand, whose purpose is to provide rescue, shelter, and hope to vulnerable women and children.

Al currently works with Serving and Evangelizing the Amazon River (SEARA) in Brazil. He captains a riverboat and assists in ministry to Amazonian tribes who have not heard the gospel.

Cora serves in the Mediterranean region as a special needs assistant to a family working in the same region. She is also actively studying through an online university program to better equip herself for her role.

Rosedale International is grateful for the commitment and dedication of our staff and workers serving abroad. We continue to seek the Lord, asking him to provide more harvesters—for the fields are ripe and ready for harvest.


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