As the end of the year approaches, we at Rosedale International (RI) have been reflecting on the multitude of blessings brought to us in 2024. While the list is far too long to fully recount, we wanted to take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate the highlight reel—and to thank you, our Rosedale Network family, for your generous, unwavering support.
We welcomed four new office staff.
In April, Judah brought his expertise to the role of Food Services Coordinator. In June, Lizziann jumped full-speed-ahead into her role as Administrative Assistant to the Short-Term Programs. In August, Connor joined RI in the newly created position of Rosedale International Associate, and Darryl came on board shortly after as our much-needed RIC Director and Maintenance Technician.
We sent seven new workers overseas.
In January, Luke and Gloria joined a partner team in East Africa; Chloe followed them in July. Roger and Susie entered a partner team in South Asia, and RI’s workers in the Mediterranean welcomed Jamie and Hazel.
“We continue to grow deeper in our friendships here, specifically with each of our language teachers,” Susie wrote in a recent update. “We are finding deep joy in this country partly because of those friendships. A couple of days ago, we found ourselves saying to each other, ‘We love it here—we love learning how to live here well.’ And that really is the truth. South Asia can be an intense and frustrating place to live, but the people and the culture are beautiful, and we feel the Father continue to grow our love for this place more and more.”
We celebrated 30 baptisms in Asia and the Mediterranean.
“This year, RI’s partner teams in Asia were blessed to see results from their long-term work of patiently sharing the gospel as small groups of people made the brave decision to break from their traditional beliefs and follow Jesus,” shared Tom, Asia Regional Director.
“In the south, 11 young men studied the Bible together and decided to publicly declare their faith through baptism. Several students from the hostel in the southeast made the same decision. Their paths to faith came through long-term contact with believers, intentional discipleship from our teams, and the casual but consistent witness of believing friends.
“In every part of the world, the decision to be baptized is a cause for celebration. But in these communities—where so few believe and where identification with Jesus can carry a heavy social cost—baptisms are especially exciting. These new believers are budding disciple-makers in areas where the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. God is drawing His people to Himself, and our teams are privileged to bear witness.”
We visited seven Christian schools and 25 churches, 21 percent of our network. We hosted 10 youth groups—a total of 212 students—for City Challenge. We reached a total of $77k raised through Missions 101, helping us meet the deficit in our general budget. We raised $20k to buy a much-needed minivan for Short-Term Programs. We biked 350+ miles with Ride for Missions.
Thank you, Rosedale Network, for the ways that you contributed toward these accomplishments. Whether you sent your youth to City Challenge or REACH, participated in Missions 101, or supported a new worker financially, it is your partnership that made 2024 such a good year for Rosedale International.