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Farewell, Danae and Ashley

By September 21, 2021No Comments

For everything, there is a season. For Rosedale International, the past year has been a season of transition as several staff followed God’s guidance to new opportunities, and others joined our team in obedience to his call. In August, we said farewell to Danae and Ashley, two staff members with over twelve years of combined experience in the office.

Danae joined the team four and a half years ago as RI’s Executive Assistant. In this role, she supported the President, Director of Partner Development, and Communications Department with a variety of projects, daily tasks, and organizational functions. She was heavily involved in behind-the-scenes planning and execution of many RI events, including board meetings, Ride for Missions, and the annual Multiply Conference. An integral member of the office staff, she also served as a part-time receptionist at the Rosedale International Center and filled in as needed in other capacities around the office. Her giftings and support across many facets of RI’s work have been invaluable to staff and workers alike.

In June of this year, Danae married her husband Garett. In the coming months, they intend to travel and explore where God is leading them next. We pray God’s blessings over them as they begin this adventurous new season of life!

Ashley’s time with RI began in 2007, with her participation in the REACH program and exploration of overseas assignment possibilities. In 2013, she joined RI staff as Administrative Assistant to the Short-Term Programs, where for three and a half years, she helped organize the many details required to operate City Challenge, REACH, and RI Internships. In this role, she connected deeply with many of the young adults and youth who participated in these programs.

In 2017, Ashley transitioned into the newly formed position of Logistics and Security Coordinator. In this capacity, she helped arrange travel and visa details for RI staff, overseas workers, and REACH participants. She also dedicated herself to considering every aspect of safety guidelines for our work in secure locations. In the ever-more-complicated landscape of cybersecurity, her attention to detail was a great asset to RI and prepared the way for many short-term and long-term workers in the kingdom.

With the birth of her daughter in 2020, Ashley took a step back from her responsibilities with the organization. In the time since then, she’s felt God’s continued leading toward her family and new opportunities—and although we will miss her guidance, we celebrate this transition alongside her.

Rosedale International would like to express our deep appreciation for Danae and Ashley’s dedication and excellence over the years. We pray that God would bless them both as they follow God’s guiding beyond RI and into new chapters of life.

If you are interested in the recently vacated role of Executive Assistant, please contact Human Resources at

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