Rosedale International’s 2021 Interns are a group of seven REACH graduates. They will spend the year deepening their relationship with God and maturing their faith through training and practical application of leadership, ministry, and service. Over the next few weeks, you’ll have a chance to learn about each Intern. We’re excited to introduce them to you, and are looking forward to watching them grow this year!
Jump to: Karina | Regina | Jeremy | Olivia | Courtney | Josh
Rosedale International (RI) is excited to welcome Nathaniel as our Prayer Intern for 2021. As Prayer Intern, Nathaniel will work closely with Joel, RI’s Prayer Coordinator. He will plan weekly prayer times with the rest of the Interns, spend time in personal intercession for Rosedale International, and coordinate and lead all prayer related events for City Challenge and REACH.
Nathaniel grew up in Salisbury, Pennsylvania, as the fifth of six children. A self-described nerd, he enjoys TV and videogames, reading, and spending time with friends. He brought an extensive collection of board and card games with him when he moved into the Rosedale International Center (RIC), and hopes to run a half-marathon this year.
Nathaniel traveled to Israel with the REACH program last year, and says he truly learned the importance and power of prayer through his experience. “Obviously, I knew that prayer is good, and that we’re supposed to pray—but over and over again through discipleship training and outreach, I saw prayer answered right in front of my face. It was so powerful to see that God actually does listen to our prayers and works through them.”
As he looks ahead to his time as Prayer Intern, Nathaniel is excited to disciple and interact with the incoming REACH participants. When he went through REACH, Nathaniel found himself encouraged and uplifted by the Interns, and looks forward to doing the same as an Intern himself. “I really looked up to our Interns, and I’m excited to be able to be that person for this year’s REACHers.”
After completing his internship with RI, Nathaniel hopes to begin studying to become a mental health counselor. He cares deeply about breaking the stigma around mental health struggles and counseling, and wants to “walk alongside people in their hurt.” A driving force behind this plan is Nathaniel’s heart for LGBTQ+ people. He hopes to be a guide to healing from both the societal and religious trauma faced by the community.
Nathaniel’s heart for others and his desire to minister through prayer is clear. Rosedale International is blessed to have him serve our organization as Prayer Intern, and we’re looking forward to seeing how God will work through him this year!
Please pray for strength and unity among the Interns as they adjust to their roles. Pray specifically for Nathaniel that he will have confidence to walk in faith and in the fullness of who God created him to be. Pray for strength in vulnerability with his fellow interns and all he will serve through Short-Term Programs this coming year.